
You don't have to struggle in Silence.

We are aimed at improving the mental well-being of the African Child .

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Character building is a course curriculum for the nursery and primary education which teaches children about the basic life principles, with more weight on character building, and on mental health.

There is no health, without mental Health.
~ by  David   Satcher

A childs mental health is just as important
as their physical health.

When should i go for Counselling?

When something causes distress and interferes with some parts of life. The counsellor at HOMAA are always available to help you sort through it.

Why should I go for therapy?

You get to learn new things about yourself. Therapists will help you realise that has been troubling you, and guide you on how to overcome it.

Educative Campagnes
How do i know my mental state?

There are some physical and emotional signs that reflects your mental health state. HOMAA organises educational Campagnes to share this knowledge to everyone.


Customer Satisfaction

We work with specialists to improve your mental well being.

We provide you a One on One session with our experienced Clinical Psychologists, and Counsellors who are ready to guide you through mental health development.
we provide psychotherapy to the following mental illnesses including, - but not limited to

Problems in adjusting to major life changes and stress .

Anxiety,trauma, worry or fear.

Depressed or low mood, or suicidal thinking.

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Why choose us?

We Care

We give you a home where you will feel loved, seen and heard.


We have great customer service.


our specialist are well experienced and will accelerate your healing process the way you deserve

Low interest

We offer parenting advice, help and follow up kids who show signs of mental disturbance.

Ways to book an appointment with us

At HOMAA, we interact with client based on already-set appointment schedules. You can book an appointment with our counsellors, therapists or psychologists in just 3-simple steps.

By a Visiting our offices and setting up an appointment.

By contacting us here

By reaching us through Facebook here

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"HOMAA is dedicated to improving Your life through your mental Health."

Dzekewong Karlson

Co-Founder of HOMAA

"We are here, because we care and understand, and want the best for you."

Faiboh Clarise

Founder of HOMAA

Latest Events

13 Jan 2022
Sucide and Lonliness

HOMAA'S first campagne in Bamenda, North West Region of Cameroon was a massive success.

23 Jan 2022
School Violence

HOMAA'S first campagne in Bamenda, North West Region of Cameroon was a massive success.

23 November 2021
HOMAA's First Mental Health Campagne

HOMAA'S first campagne in Bamenda, North West Region of Cameroon was a massive success.